Welcome to the Wills Park Equestrian Foundation
Through partnership with the City of Alpharetta, the Wills Park Equestrian Foundation was established to revitalize the much-loved Wills Park Equestrian Center. Our purpose is simple: to create a state-of-the-art facility nestled within the Alpharetta community that brings easy access to the life-changing benefits of equestrian sports to athletes of all ages, income, and ability.
Right in our own backyard.

Life's Simple Pleasures
Wills Park has long been a second home to many families in the greater Atlanta area. This hub of the Alpharetta community continues to provide a safe sanctuary where kids and adults alike can take a step back from the chaos of life, recharge, reenergize, and reconnect with friends and neighbors—and build memorable moments that will last a lifetime.
We believe that the daily, ongoing commitment to working with the horse creates self-awareness, courage, empathy and builds leadership skills in people of all ages and abilities.

Our Progress is On-Going.
In 2021, The citizens of Alpharetta voted and passed a parks bond that designated $5 million to the refurbishment of Wills Park Equestrian Center. As a result, the City of Alpharetta and the Wills Park Foundation have an existing agreement in place to provide for matching funding.
Today, we are pleased to announce that we are more than halfway to our
$5 million goal!